Friday, August 1, 2014

Deciding to go - family vacation in Germany

Deciding to go

Maybe it was the mountain, maybe it was berlin atmosfire, the final nails on the decision to go on this trip started in berlin.

We had a great 2 weeks vacation, both for u as a couple and for all of us as a family…

It started in berlin, we rented a flat via Airbnb , and got this fabiolos place

The holacost memorial

Great parks

berlin without a family memorial, is not berlin....

The science musiom

Tip: touring cities with kids - get them a corkinet - al these long days

continuing to visit the Rons family and munich area

some things are great for the kids but not for us anymore....

Apple store, our kids favorite store...

, Byren Munich stadium , the Alianz arena

BMW show room - it sure fits us....

Going for the Austrian Alps

It was a fabulous trip that also gave one of the final pushs to go for the big journey..

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